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The heart of formation is about the kinds of people we are becoming—shaped by Christ to reflect His love, character, and purpose. It’s not just about what we do, but who we are becoming, His renewal in our lives and the kingdom around us.

Here is an archive of resources that we've found helpful in equipping our formation. 


Everything begins and ends with prayer; spirit-dependent, worship-empowered, contending prayer.

Contend Conference Prayer Guide.

Contend in Prayer with us for the Central Coast. 

Contend Prayer Guide Nov 24 

Prayer Walk Your Neighbourhood

Gather over a meal and journey through this prayer plan with the intention of praying for your neighbourhood. 

Prayer Walk Your Neighbourhood, Dec 23

Prayer Against Domestic and Family Violence 

A 16-Day Common Grace Prayer Guide against Domestic and Family Violence.

DFV Prayer Guide (March 24)

Preperational Prayer Guide

As a community we invite you into a time of collectively seeking God for God, to behold His glory and to experience His revelation.

Preparation Prayer Guide 



Holy Week Guided Prayer 

a 24/7 Prayer Guide to step you through holy week with your family, friends or in your quiet time. 

Holy Week Prayer Guide 24


Gather over a meal and journey through this prayer plan with the intention of praying for your neighbourhood. 

Advent 23

What we mean when we say ______.

What does contending mean, again?

But you might be asking yourself, 'what’s contending for renewal, again?'. Good question and one we've wrestled with too.

Contending '24

What does Renewal mean, again?

Renewal is a word we’ve used a lot this year; it sits within our shared purpose to Contend for the Renewal of The Central Coast.

Renewal '24

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